• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


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    National Fellowship for SC Candidate

    National Fellowship for SC CandidateNational Fellowship for SC Candidate


    National Fellowship scheme for providing fellowship to Scheduled Caste Students, a Central Sector Scheme was introduced during the financial year 2005-06 to provide opportunities to Scheduled Castes students for pursuing higher education leading to M.Phil/Ph.D degrees in Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Engineering & Technology streams.


    The objective of the scheme is to provide fellowships in the form of financial assistance to students belonging to SC category to pursue higher studies leading to M.Phil/Ph.D in Science, Humanities, Social Science and Engineering and Technology, in Indian Universities/Institutions/ Colleges recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC).

    Scope of the scheme

    The scheme provides for new 2000 Fellowships (1500 Junior Research Fellows for Humanities/ Social Sciences and 500 Junior Research Fellows for Science stream) per year to Scheduled Caste students to undertake advanced studies and research leading to M.Phil/ Ph.D Degrees, who have qualified in the following tests:

    • National Eligibility Test- Junior Research Fellowship (NET-JRF) of UGC (for Humanities/ Social Sciences) or
    • UGC – Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (UGC-CSIR) NET JRF joint test (for Science stream including Engineering & Technology)

    The scheme covers all Universities/ Institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and is implemented by the UGC on the pattern of the scheme of UGC Fellowships being awarded to research students pursuing M Phil/Ph.D. These 2000 slots will be over and above the number of SC students selected under the normal reservation policy of the Government for UGC Fellowships.

    Implementing agency

    UGC is the nodal agency for implementing the scheme. UGC is responsible for laying down procedures/ Guidelines for implementing the scheme including selection of beneficiaries and disbursement of fellowships to selected candidates.


    • Scheduled Caste candidates who have qualified National Eligibility Test- Junior Research Fellowship (NET-JRF) of UGC or UGC-Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (UGC-CSIRI) Joint Test should enroll for the course in the eligible Universities/Institutions/Colleges within Six months from the date of declaration of results by UGC in respect of the above and be registered within 01 year from date of enrolment Fellowship will be provided only after registration for the course.
    • After enrolling for MP.hiil/Ph.D the students selected under this Scheme will apply for National Fellowship for SCs as per guidelines and procedures laid down by UGC for this purpose.
    • The students selected under this Scheme for the fellowship shall not be entitled to the other benefits under JRF Scheme of UGC, or any other benefits from Central or State government or bodies similar to UGC offering similar benefit.
    • After two years, if the progress in the research work of the awardee is found satisfactory, his/her tenure will be extended for a further period of three years as Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) as per UGC Fellowship Guidelines issued from time to time in case of students enrolled for Ph.D or M.Phil.+ Ph D.
    • With regard to combined course of M.Phil and Ph.D, Fellowship will be provided initially for 02 years for M.Phil and after upgradation to Ph.D course for another 03 years.
    • The total period of award of JRF and SRF together shall not exceed a period of 60 months (that is fellowship will be payable for 60 months only) /completion of course whichever is earlier and in any case shall not exceed a duration of 6 years including any interruption or gap Period.
    • The fellowship shall be paid from date of sanction of Fellowship under the Scheme for National Fellowship for providing Scholarship to Scheduled Caste Students.
    • ln case a student who has already enrolled for M.Phil/Ph.D in recognized institutes subsequently qualifies in NET JRF/UGC-CSIR joint test he/she will be eligible for Fellowship under this Scheme provided he/she applies for it and is awarded a Fellowship Release of Fellowship will however commence from the date that it is sanctioned.
    • Only students, doing regular and full time M.Phil /Ph.D course in a University/ Research Institution recognized by UGC shall be eligible for the fellowship. Employees of any University/ College/ Educational Institution/ Central/ State/ UT Government shall be excluded from availing Fellowship, even if they are on Study Leave or Extra Ordinary leave to pursue the M.Phil /Ph.D course.

    Number of Fellowships

    • The total number of fellowships to be awarded to the Scheduled Castes students under the scheme is 2000 every year. Out of the 2000 slots available under National Fellowship scheme for SC students 1500 will be allocated for Humanities/ Social Sciences stream under National Eligibility Test- Junior Research Fellowship (NET-JRF) of UGC (for Humanities/ Social Sciences) and remaining 500 for science category students through UGC-Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (UGC-CSIR) NET-JRF  joint test (for Science stream including Engineering & Technology).
    • If in an academic year the allocated slots (i.e 1500 for Humanities/ Social sciences and 500 for Science category) in any of the two broad streams remain substantially unfilled (25% or more), the slot allocation in different streams may be reviewed in the next academic year and revised accordingly.
    • These 2000 slots will be over and above the SC students selected under the normal reservation policy of the Government.
    • There will be an inclusive provision of reservation for Person with Disabilities (PwD) who belongs to SC category for the consideration as per norms of existing quota of PwD.

    Duration of Fellowship

    Name of the CourseMaximum DurationAdmissibility of JRF and SRF
    Junior Research Fellowship(JRF)Senior Research Fellowship(SRF)
    M. Phil2 years2 yearsNill
    Ph.D5 years2 yearsRemaining 3 years
    M.Phit + Ph.D5 years2 yearsRemaining 3 years

    Rate of fellowships

    The rates of fellowship for JRF and SRF will be at per with the UGC Fellowships. The rates applicable w.e.f. 01.12.2014 are as follows:

    S.NoHeadRates Applicable for
    1.Fellowship in all streams.Rs.25,000/p.m. for initial two yearsRs. 28,000/- p.m. for remaining tenure
    2.Contingency for Humanities & Social SciencesRs.10,000/- p.a. for initial two yearsRs.20,500/- p.a. for remaining tenure
    3.Contingency for Sciences, Engineering & Technology.Rs. 12,000/- p.a. for initial two yea-rsRs. 25,000/- p.a. for remaining tenure.
    • Escort/Reader assistance (All subjects) @ Rs.2, 000/- p.m in cases of physically and visually handicapped candidates.

    (Disiability, as per the persons with disabilities (Equal opportunities, protection of Rights and and full participation), Act 1995 is defined as blindness, low-vision, leprosy-cured, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental retardation and mental illness. The minimum degree of disability should be 40% in order to be eligible for any concessions / benefits.)

    • House Rent Allowance (HRA) will be on the UGC pattern and will be payable to those students who are not provided with hostel accommodation. In case hostel accommodation offered by the university /institution is refused, the student will forfeit his claim of HRA. The other facilities such as medical facilities, leave including maternity leave will be governed as per the guidelines of the UGC in case of their fellowship programme.

    Eligibility for Senior Research Fellowship

    ln order to qualify for the award of Senior Research Fellowship the UGC norms would be applicable.

    Procedure for Applying for the scheme (JRF)

    • UGC is the nodal agency for implementing the National Fellowship scheme for SC students.
    • UGC will be responsible for conducting NET/UGC-CSIR joint tests for 2000 SC students under the National Fellowship for SC scheme of this Ministry.
    • UGC will advertise /invite on- line applications from NET/UGC -CSIR joint tests qualified candidates for award of National Fellowship for SC students.
    • Only NET/UGC-CSIR joint tests qualified candidates are eligible to apply (for fellowship) under the scheme.The qualified candidates have to enroll and apply in universities/ institutions/ colleges recognized under ;
      1. Under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act, 1956 i.e. Universities established under Central. Provincial or State Acts or any other institution recognized by UGC.
      2. Under Section 12 (B) of the UGC Act, 1956 i.e. Universities declared fit to receive grants from Government.
      • Grant-in-aid Deemed Universities under Section 3 of UGC Act i.e. Institution for higher education notified by Central Government to be deemed University, in consultation with UGC.
      • Universities/ Institution funded by State/ Central Government.
      • Institutions of National Importance as notified by Ministry of Human Resource Development.
    • UGC will evolve its own mechanism for verifying the genuineness of the SC certificates furnished by the candidates in order to eliminate the possibility of students availing of the National Fellowship (NF) on fake certificates.
    • The decision of the UGC in regard to awarding the Fellowship shall be final and no appeal would lie against any decision by UGC in regard thereof.
    • Result shall be published on UGC website. Award letters can be downloaded from UGC online application portal or as advertised by UGC.

    Aadhaar based ID

    Payment of Fellowships and any other admissible allowance should be made to beneficiaries through their bank accounts.

    The Ministry of Social Justice vide notification number 428 dated Feb,16,2017 has notified aadhaar as identity document under Section 7 of Aadhaar Act 2016 for all Scholarship Schemes w.e.f, February 16, 2017. UGC henceforth will make provisions for capturing details of Aadhaar, Aadhaar EID and other alternative documents as provided for in the said notification on their respective Scholarship portals or otherwise for disbursal of fellowship directly in to the beneficiary’s account.

    Source : Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

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